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Assassin Snails (Clea helena)
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Assassin Snails (Clea helena)
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Qty-3, Assassin Snails
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Qty-10, Assassin Snails (+$15.00)
Hold For Pickup (See Live Arrival Guarantee Tab)
Hold For Pickup (See Live Arrival Guarantee Tab)
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No, do not hold package at post office if temps are below 40 or above 85 degrees F - no Live Arrival Guarantee
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How-To Care Guide
Our Snails
Our snails are reared in individual holding tanks. Each tank is inhabited by a single species, type and color. Each tank is individually filtered and water parameters, diet, and feeding rituals are highly regulated and tightly controlled. Because each tank is its own closed ecosystem we can fine tune each system to the specific requirements of its inhabitants. The benefits of this type of system are enormous in terms of breeding speed and overall livestock health. Our snails are harvested fresh the day they are shipped. They're gently wrapped in moist paper towel and placed in food grade plastic deli-containers. Containers are then wrapped in shipping paper and packaged in rugged
cardboard boxes to guarantee a safe, healthy delivery.
Assassin Snails (Clea helena)
Assassin Snails are freshwater snails indigenous to the streams, ponds, and ditches of Southeast Asia. Assassins are carnivores, feeding on both live prey and scavenged detritus. They stay partially hidden under the sediment and watch for other snails of similar or smaller size to pass by. Once detected, the assassin will ambush
and devour its prey. It's this ability to prey on all other snails that make assassins so highly sought after by aquarium hobbyist.
Our Assassin Snails range in size between 1/4 - 1/2 inch in length. Within just a few weeks 5-10 assassins will completely rid a 15-20 gallon aquarium of unwanted pest snails. The assassin snail is small, easy to keep and completely harmless toward fish, shrimp, and aquarium plants. They're charcoal brown wrapped in a yellow stripe providing an eye-catching contrast in a planted tank. But don't let its beauty fool you. Assassins will eat virtually any snail that crosses its path.
Color: Charcoal Brown - Yellow Stripe
Size: 1/4 - 1 inch in length
Locality: Found in the streams, ponds, and ditches of Southeast Asia
Difficulty: Beginner
Light: Normal aquarium lighting
Temperature: 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit
pH: 6.5 - 8.0
kH: 2-15 dKH
Water Type: Hard
Behavior: Will burrow into substrate and surface to feed
Breeding: Assassins breed slowly for snails. It takes roughly two months for eggs to hatch. Babies remain in substrate until mature enough to surface and feed
Live Arrival Guarantee
If your local temps are below 40 or above 85 degrees F you must select our "Hold For Pickup" at post office shipping method in order to receive our Live Arrival Guarantee. If your local temps are below 40 or above 85 degrees F and you do not select our "Hold For Pickup" shipping method then we cannot guarantee live arrival.
Hold For Pickup
"Hold for Pickup" is a USPS special service that delivers your package directly to your post office for pickup. You must physically go to the post office to retrieve your package. There is no additional charge for this service.
Problem With Order
If there's a problem with your order please contact us at
[email protected]
within 24 hours of delivery. Email correspondence must include the following:
Order number
Description of issue
Photos detailing issue
All orders ship USPS
Orders ship Monday - Thursday
Orders received before 12:00 PM ship same day
"Hold For Pickup" is a USPS special service that delivers the package directly to your post office for pickup. You must physically go to the post office to retrieve your package. There is no additional charge for this service.
How-To-Care Guide
Water Parameters:
Temp: 68-75F
pH: 6.5-8.0
kH: 2-15 dKH
Water type: Fresh-Hard
Live snails of equal or smaller size and will gang up on larger snails
Live earth worms
Dead fish
Protein rich debris at bottom of tank (fish fesses, uneaten fish food ... )
Fish flakes
Blood worms
Brine shrimp
Fish pellets
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